Create your online restaurant menu to grow your business
Our online restaurant menu editor is super simple to use, yet flexible to support any dish-specifics.
With a free stock of food images available and a user-friendly layout, rest assured, the end result will look great on any device.
Add a restaurant menu to your Facebook page
In just a few clicks you’ll set up an online restaurant menu on Facebook to start turning those likes into orders.
Your followers can order their favorite meals without having to leave Facebook.
Show your restaurant menu on the website
Our online restaurant menu creator allows you to easily add an ordering button to your website following our step-by-step instructions.
This way, your customers can check the menu and order online from an intuitive and friendly interface.
Unlimited online orders free of charge
It’s a good opportunity for you to make more money without having to spend any.
Allow your customers to order online and take your business to the next level.
No ads, no fees or commissions.
Review and confirm orders with a tap
This free online restaurant menu maker is fully integrated with our order taking app.
Free of charge, this iOS and Android app allows you to review online orders and send a response to customers in real time.
What our customers are saying
Real people. Real thoughts.
Restaurant Owner/Manager | Leintwardine, UK"Fantastic app This is a great app for my take away. The service has been superb and great customer service. With all the new updates and features, it gives us and more importantly our customers an app thats easy to use. Thanks gloriafood."
Baljit S.
Restaurant Owner | Brisbane, Australia"When we've started we had less than 15 orders a day online and within a few months we got to hundreds of orders. To make sure we're doing it right, we also did a survey and the system got a score of 4.6 out of 5 points from approx. 200 people answering on the "how was your online ordering experience" question. I guess we'll continue using this system since it's really delivering results and food clients are happy with it."
Restaurant Webmaster | Liverpool, NY, USAppeThaizing"Online sales is increasing while orders via phone are decreasing. GloriaFood gives the customers the convenience to order, thus they order more frequently."